Choose your thoughts wisely
An illustration of thought is: emotions release chemicals in the body to create feelings that the brain associates with some aspect of our lives and creates synaptic links to record information into our personal database of experience. The strength of these links depends on what we think about most often and most passionately, on a sub-conscious level. By remaining unchecked under the surface they automatically create health or disease for us.
So how do we make our choices in life?
The degree of internal energy charge connected to our thoughts determines how much it will motivate us and the first place we learn to connect these feelings with situations is in childhood. We may be aware or unaware of how we interpret our thoughts through our emotional attachment and associated feelings, which explains why sometimes we don’t know why we do the things we do.
Only we can control the reactionary responses that allow our bodies to carry out the actions of those thoughts and all that is required of us is to be responsible for the results we are getting from those actions. If the results tend to be an introverted or extroverted destructive action, we need to revisit our core beliefs and change our perceptions.
Since core beliefs are programmed into our subconscious from an early age by someone else negatively stimulating the neurotransmitters and creating strong synapses in our brain, we need to find those anomalies and fix them by creating new ones. Neuro-linguistic Progamming (NLP) and Hypnosis will help to re-program them quickly or meditation and traditional counseling will do the same with slower results, but both are safe.
Remembering to choose your thoughts
Common sense will tell you that something is amiss when you feel an ache in your heart, gut or head when avoiding the truth of a person or situation; and fearing the imagined pain of a truth will keep you suffering in the worse pain of a lie. We need only know ourselves in truth and be compassionate in allowing others to know themselves, as we all have the same opportunity for choice that cannot be forced.
Sometimes you may want to share your ideas with others as a way of helping them in their life, but they may not want to think differently or see the truth and you will be wasting precious energy. Remind yourself that the best way to help others is to learn and build strength in yourself first, then be the example and share with those who want to know. Do not leave your wisdom to die on the doorstep of the closed mind…it seeks expression of life.
How to catch a thought in the act
One way is to just stop and ask yourself what you really think about such-and-such and then focus on your body to see if any tension/pain or softness/excitement arises. Start with your heart area for any heart-ache or discomfort, joy or affection; check your jaw and hands for clenching or loosening and your lower back for muscle tightening or relaxing.
Some examples:
- While you’re watching a comedian you find yourself laughing at a joke because everyone else is. Ask yourself if you really thought it was funny.
- While you’re watching a TV show because the family wants to. Ask yourself if you honestly like it or are you watching it to maintain decorum.
- You make the bed at a certain time of day because it’s part of your routine. Ask yourself if you want to make it later or not at all.
- You’re shopping for a new pair of jeans and everyone likes the way one pair looks on you. Ask yourself if you like the way they look on you.
- Every day you go for a walk and you have learned to dread walking past the house with the barking dog. Ask yourself what you can do about this intrusion on your meditative stroll.
All of these things are usually done subconsciously out of habit, so you need to pay attention to tension and deliberately ask the question in your mind, out loud, or on paper. The answer will be impressed on your mind like an idea and when you connect that idea to a good, bad or neutral feeling you will know a lot more about yourself.
Focus on what you want…not what you don’t want
Cutting the cords that bind
Thoughts are things that you can choose to think about and to create new ones, you need to activate the neurons in the brain to link to them through repetition. We can be aware enough to catch ourselves thinking something we don’t like and reverse it to something we do or soothe the attached feeling if it’s too strong.
Consider something that you think a lot about and you will notice that you didn’t always think about this particular thing, you did it with practice. If there is something you want not to think about anymore, you must break the synaptic link to it and it will dissipate. The old saying, “out of sight…out of mind” is a good example because when you stop seeing something you will forget about it unless you choose to keep the link alive. That’s why when you go on a vacation from work, you need a few moments to re-link or re-focus because you’d been linking to other things while away. It’s more difficult when you are grieving, because the emotions keep the thoughts alive and time becomes the only healer here.
The problem with ‘out of sight…out of mind’ is that it requires one to leave a situation or ask someone else to leave so you can get on with getting it/them out of your mind. This is not always an option so we must work from inside the situation and get certain thoughts of it/them out of our minds while still in sight. This requires more effort, but you will have the situation changing to your favor just the same.
For example:
- Say you wanted to watch a certain television show or movie at a certain time. Without creating a schedule, you place importance on it by thinking more about it and associating it with a certain time. You will never miss the show because you have created a link to it as well as a subconscious reminder of when it is on.
This is a small example of creating a new thought and can be used on a bigger scale to get a certain job, or meet a certain person, or find a certain item. It all starts with something that you want and then thinking your way to make it happen. The more that you practice this skill, the shorter the time frame gets between the first idea and actualizing it.
Affirmations Pro & Con
- Pro: Affirmations work to a degree because they are causing you to actively link to certain thoughts by repetition, and practice is the key to creating a strong link to a certain thought. Writing your desired thoughts down and/or saying them out loud creates a stronger blast of neurons to the thought as it confirms your desire.
- Con: Affirmations don’t work to a degree, because there may be opposing core beliefs that are allowing a disbelief in the affirmation itself.
About bad thoughts
The thought process works with undesirable thoughts as well as desirable ones. An example would be when you realize you honestly don’t like someone who you have been spending time with, i.e., your boss, a co-worker or a partner. You will find your thoughts dancing around ways to avoid them and your body tensing with a lot with resistance to being around them. Once you recognize this thought, do not allow it to cause you to creating trouble, instead start thinking of a better place you’d rather be until you can sever your ties.
Fears are a dangerous place in the mind to play and can cause addiction, so learn to be objective with unwarranted fearful thoughts. If you are afraid of something happening that you have no proof of, begin to recognize any emotion associated with thought so that you can dissolve it before the fear becomes a reality.
For example
- An unwarranted fearful thought is when you fear infidelity from your mate. You will find yourself acting from your fears which may be interpreted by them as you being the one having an affair. If you clearly don’t trust your mate, you are either insightful or insecure, so start communicating with your paranoia too find the root and find the truth of it fast so you can deal with it before your fear gets out of control.
Anxiety/panic induced thoughts
Irrational and fearful thoughts of hurting yourself or someone else, fears of going crazy can be a sign of anxiety or panic or repressed energy trying to surface – maybe it can’t be connected to an actual event. It may be a misplaced core belief that you have about being too happy and your subconscious may be sabotaging your happiness. It could be suppressed abusive energy surfacing to be cleared by you and to make room for more love in your heart and life. It could be something you saw on TV as a child that affected you in a way you couldn’t process at a young age. Painful yes…controllable yes.
Controlling unwelcome thoughts
You will need to reduce stimulation such as TV, avoid caffeine, and learn to ground yourself by concentrating on your breathing, marching heavily, repeating mantras, or reading until it passes.
One powerful aid is the I-Peace Mantra.
- Use it every day to find the peace within and make it that solid rock you can call on at any time you want.
- Start saying the I-Peace mantra as soon as you start feeling fear or anxiety, panic or pain.
- Say it aloud or in your mind as many times as you need to calm an agitated state.
I love you, I love you, I love you.
I love, I love, I love.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
You will immediately connect to the universal peace you already have inside and with practice it can stop a panic attack in a heartbeat.